Handing in your notice: How to do it and what to look out for

3-5 mins

Handing in your resignation letter, at first thought, can seem either nerve-racking or deeply satisfying, depending upon your employment experience.  Either way you need to take the moment seriously and have a plan in place.

Here’s our top tips to help you on your way.

Be prepared

The preparation isn’t too difficult or indeed any great amount of work. Have your notice letter printed and signed by yourself, outlining your decision to part ways with the company. Include a proposed end date, in line with your contractual notice period. Easy.

Grasp the first opportunity

There’s little point in waiting around all day, pondering the best time and opportunity - just take point and speak with your manager at the first available time, preferably in the morning. They will appreciate the straight-forward and direct approach.

Be succinct

Ensure that you enter the meeting with a clear, precise explanation of your decision to part ways with the company. Support this with the exact reasons that lead you to come to this decision and don’t be afraid to be a little blunt, if necessary. Hold your ground and leave little room for discussion and leave no room for negotiation. 

Keep it professional

Avoid getting drawn into any unnecessary drama referring to either personal issues or previous experiences within the workplace. Remember, this is a calculated decision that you made about your future to strategically improve your career. This isn’t an opportunity to emotionally vent - you can always do that at home to your partner, your family or friends, your cat or dog. They will listen.

Agree further actions

Ensure to get confirmation there and then that your signed letter of resignation has been accepted. If possible, attain an agreed end date (final working day) or at least when you will be notified of this information. 

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