A Career in Digital Learning


Routes into Digital, Distance & Blended Learning

 In 2021, I conducted a very official survey via LinkedIn, asking professionals within my network how they got in digital learning. The results looked like this:

-            38% came from L&D

-            30% came from a teaching background

-            16% came from a graphic or multimedia background

-            15% voted ‘other’

With a huge shift into digital learning and a big movement of people into the sector, I wondered if the entry into the space had changed, and it turns out, it has. This year, 2024, after another very official survey, the statistics looked slightly different:

-            30% came from L&D

-            52% came from a teaching background

-            15% came from graphics or multimedia background

-            3% came from an official channel or qualification

“Other” routes were noted in the comments, usually people having fallen into the sector over their careers without being able to officially pinpoint exactly what it happened.

A huge shift is the amount of teachers who have moved into the sector, those with pedagogical knowledge that have sought a career change into the digital and blended learning space. It seems to be a popular route as these professionals have moved into Instructional or Learning Design opportunities, writing the content for educational modules and material.

With only 3% voting that they took part in an official qualification to get into the sector, it seems that this generation of digital learning professionals still seem to fall into the sector, however, as this wasn’t an option in the 2021 poll, it cannot be confirmed if this has changed.

What has changed is the official qualification in the form of an apprenticeship. Since 2021, I have personally been part of a Trailblazer group to put together an apprenticeship which has been released, a Level 5 Digital Learning Designer (Digital learning designer (level 5) - apprenticeship training course (education.gov.uk)). This has been an interesting journey, with the first cohort of students officially started, it will be incredible to see the growth of the industry and the expertise developed through the use of official channels.

As Instinct is a specialist digital learning recruitment firm, it has been a delight to officially be part of the development and completion of the apprenticeship and gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the area and skillsets.

My question will be, what other official forms will develop to move into the digital learning space, and how will new technologies impact the jobs available, and jobs created across the sector?


Instinct specialises in digital learning recruitment, if you’re looking for your next digital learning hire then get in touch!


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