eLearning Project Management Jobs

Responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of digital learning initiatives, digital learning project managers are tasked with scoping the requirements of a given eLearning initiative, as well as managing internal and external stakeholders, and allocating resources to ensure their colleagues can hand in all deliverables on time and within budget.

A digital learning project manager will identify roadblocks and risks to the successful completion of a project and implement strategies to mitigate them. These meticulous specialists collaborate closely with subject matter experts, instructional designers, and developers to ensure the creation of engaging, interactive, and effective eLearning content. 

When it comes to eLearning project management jobs, the instructional design project manager is perhaps the key to ensuring that client and stakeholder needs align with learners’ demands. These experts manage teams of instructional designers and subject matter experts, ensuring that curricula, course outlines, and learning resources are able to meet planned learning outcomes. 

Instructional design project managers will establish timelines and deadlines, allocate the resources necessary for their teams to complete their work within budget, and monitor progress to ensure that clients are provided with regular reports, enabling the delivery of high-quality projects that provide an interactive and effective digital learning experience.

Responsible for managing the translation and localisation process for global eLearning products or services, these specialists are critical to the success of eLearning platforms that will be used by multiple language users across various regions. They work closely with cross-functional teams of translators, engineers, and project managers to ensure the efficient, accurate localisation of content and resources. 

A vital member of an organisation, these experts will manage region-specific vendors, resolve issues, and ensure that localisation strategies are aligned with overall business goals. The localisation programme manager will establish plans, budgets, and timelines, monitoring progress to ensure that eLearning projects are delivered according to client expectations.

Tasked with overseeing the development and implementation of assessment and evaluation initiatives, these educational programme managers will work closely with stakeholders to define assessment goals, objectives, and performance criteria. With a deep knowledge of the subject areas they support, they design and implement assessment frameworks and methodologies that ensure trainees meet learning outcomes and enable analysts to evaluate course effectiveness and learner performance. 

The assessment and evaluation programme manager will manage the development of assessment tools such as tests and surveys, coordinating with administrators to collect and analyse data and generate meaningful and insightful reports on learning activities crucial to enhancing organisational performance and driving evidence-based continuous improvement.

The gamification project manager coordinates teams of designers, developers, subject matter experts, and user experience (UX) professionals to implement gamification strategies that enhance learner engagement and motivation in virtual learning environments. Tasked with overseeing the integration of game elements such as badges, leaderboards, levels, and rewards into eLearning experiences, these specialists help to align gamification efforts with key organisational outcomes. 

These project managers are embedded within the development and design process, closely monitoring deadlines to ensure that requested features are added in a timely fashion. Alongside this, they’ll commonly utilise user testing to evaluate the impact of gamification within VLEs, analysing data, and feedback to refine and optimise learning strategies.

Experts in eLearning Project Management Jobs